





We’re proud and excited to be releasing the first issue of The Abbey Correspondent!

Our goal is to research and deliver articles and podcasts about topics we feel are important to us and our world, and to bring our own individual spin on it whilst doing so. This wouldn’t be possible without our amazing team of budding journalists; the team has quickly come together, brainstorming ideas and concepts for the future of The Abbey Correspondent. The articles reflect what we think are far-reaching subjects and/or issues, and we hope you find them so too.

We decided on the name The Abbey Correspondent because of the link it offers to the world: we want to write about authentic and genuine  matters and have the opportunity from within school to do so. We are hoping to leave The Abbey Correspondent as a legacy that will run for years to come.

So, stay tuned for exciting and informative articles, podcasts and news to come your way!

Lexie, Zara & Gwen

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